Mother Church of the Martim Longo (N. Srª da Conceição)

Martim Longo
8970-000 , Martim Longo , Martim Longo

The  Martim Longo Mother Church/Matrix Church Matrix, whose invocation, dates back to the century XVI and its original building stand out the Gothic portals, the main one colunelo, and the unusual cylindrical buttresses in Portuguese art, similar to the Chapel São Brás in Évora, considered prototype of the gothic-Manueline art.

It´s a XV century temple belonging to the Manuelino period, was finished in 1554 and is currently the oldest built in the municipality. This time painted to various figures of saints on the walls of the cruise and the only surviving painting is dated from the late century XV, the early XVI century.

The main chapel, with cradle vault, is divided the body of the church for a perfect stone arch decorated with mural. The baptistery has decorated the walls to half height by the XVII century tiles and sink based on one foot decorated with gargoyles.




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